ACS POLY/PMSE promotes the importance and understanding of polymers in the world around. This organization seeks to also promote interest in the University of Michigan academic programs, which engage in cutting-edge polymer research, such as Macro-molecular Science & Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, and Chemistry.

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is the professional society for the field of aerospace engineering. The University of Michigan Student Branch seeks “to educate and excite students at U-M about aerospace technologies and science, and to promote fellowship among students interested in these topics.”

The student chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers at the University of Michigan encourages the professional development of its members by familiarizing students with industry, and providing social and extracurricular opportunities. The objectives of AIChE are to advance chemical engineering in theory and practice, maintain a high professional standard among its members, and serve society, particularly where chemical engineering can contribute to the public interest. In addition to these goals, the chapter provides a communication link between the Department of Chemical Engineering and the students in social and academic endeavors and aids in the professional development of chemical engineering students.

The American Nuclear Society Student Chapter is an organization for those interested in nuclear technology, medicine and engineering. Our organizations hosts and organizes outreach events to build awareness and knowledge about all things nuclear. We also plan social activities to promote community between those interested in nuclear.

The University of Michigan Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers is a professional organization designed to relate students’ knowledge from the classroom to practical applications in today’s dynamic work environment. We accomplish this through bi-monthly lectures allowing the interaction between students and the industry, and through special projects sponsored by the chapter.

The American Society for Engineering Education is committed to furthering education in engineering and engineering technology. This mission is accomplished by promoting excellence in instruction, research, public service, and practice; exercising worldwide leadership; fostering the technological education of society; and providing quality products and services to members.

ASME at the University of Michigan is one of the largest and most active Engineering Societies out of more than 70 registered groups. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers at the University of Michigan strives to enhance the professional and social lives of its members as well as other students in the college through a variety of academic, professional, social, community service, and student-faculty events.

Beta Mu Epsilon is the University of Michigan’s premier Biomedical Engineering Fraternity. Beta Mu Epsilon was founded in 2015 by a group of undergraduate engineers. Since then, Beta Mu Epsilon has strived to create a brotherhood of engineers interested in biomedical innovation, service, professional development and scholarship.

The University of Michigan HFES Student Chapter is organized to serve the needs of the human factors profession at the University of Michigan. Its purpose is to promote and advance the understanding of human factors involved in the design, manufacture, and use of machines, systems, environments, and devices of all kinds through the interchange of knowledge and methodology in the behavioral, biological, and physical sciences and in industrial and operations engineering, design science, computer science, information, psychology, and other relevant disciplines.

As a student organization, we have a strong presence on campus and a strong backing from the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers organization. On campus, we have technical speakers present at our meetings, company representatives talk about their technology and recruit our students, social events, and community service events. Also, we work with HKN to manage and staff the dB cafe, a food stand that provides food at a low cost to students, faculty, and anyone else who comes by our stand.

IISE is the world’s largest professional society dedicated solely to the support of the industrial engineering profession and individuals involved with improving quality and productivity. IISE on campus strives to provide an awareness of the Industrial and Operations Department and its resources. IISE works to develop interdepartmental relationships as well as present insight into career opportunities.

The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) serves the scientific and professional needs of OR/MS students, educators, investigators, scientists, and practitioners. INFORMS serves as a focal point for OR/MS professionals, helping us communicate with each other.

The Michigan Materials Society (MMS) serves as the student society for those studying Materials Science and Engineering. MMS operates as the umbrella society for many of the professional societies in the field of materials science. This organization is also known as the “University of Michigan Materials Advantage Student Chapter of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS), ASM International, the Association for Iron and Steel Technology (AIST), and The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)”. In order to accomplish our mission, MMS offers students opportunities to network with professionals and compete in contests and scholarships in various places like professional societies. MMS also holds a close knit relationship with the university’s MSE department in order to unite the student body. Many events, such as our luncheon seminars and student/faculty mixers, are held throughout the year to foster the development of students.

Theta Tau is a brotherhood of engineers dedicated to bolstering our professional and social lives through professional development workshops, including resume builders, career fair tips, and presentations. We also engage in various philanthropy events, such as Arb clean-ups and Blight Busters (a group dedicated to restoring the run-down areas of Detroit).

Zeta Pi, Professional Technology Fraternity, aims to support students who share a passion for technology academically, professionally, and socially. We host frequent events that help members prepare for their careers and network, as well as work on their skills in relation to various fields in technology. Zeta Pi also offers a mentorship program and has social events for members to destress. You can find out more about us on our website, zetapi.tech!